improve page speed

How to Improve Page Speed for More Traffic & Conversions?

What Exactly is Page Speed?

There is a regular mix up of words between page speed with site speed. Page speed in terms of ‘Page Load’ time means the time actually taken to display the content on the particular page, or it can be described in terms of ‘Time to First Byte’, means how long it should take for the browser to receive the very first byte of data from the webserver. The page speed can be easily evaluated with Google’s PageSpeed Insights. The PageSpeed Insights is a scorekeeper which incorporates the data from the Chrome User experience report and then reports the same on the two very important metrics of speed: FCP (First Contentful Paint) & DCL (DOM Content Loaded)

A Brief Guide on How to Improve Page Speed for More Traffic & Conversations

The number of ways how the page speed can contribute to increasing the traffic and conversations is:

Enable Compression

A software known as Gzip is used for compression of the files which helps to reduce the size of HTML, CSS or the JavaScript files which are larger in size than 150 bytes.

However, Gzip cannot be used on image files. One can always compress these files in a program such as photoshop where the photo quality remains.

CSS, HTML & JavaScript Need to Be Minified

Optimisation of the code, which includes removing spaces, commas and various other extra characters can lead to an increase in the page speed. The less the unwanted data, the more the speed. Even the code comments, unused codes and formatting should be removed to give a boost to the page speed. Google highly recommends using software such as CSSNano or UglifyJS.

Reduction of the Redirects

Every time a page is open, and it redirects the user to another page, the visitor of the page does need to add on to the additional time which is used for HTTP’s request cycle of response to finish.

For instance, if the redirect pattern of mobile looks like: ‘, then each of the redirects makes the loading of the page go very slow.

Removes the Render-Blockage of JavaScript

Browsers are needed to build a strong DOM tree by HTM parsing before they could actually render to a page. If the browser the user is using does encounter any script in between the process, then it has to stop and execute it before one can continue immediately.

Improve the Response Time of the Server

The response time of the server Is affected greatly by the amount of traffic which is received on the website, the resources used by each page, the software used by the servers, or the usage of the hosting solution. One will need to identify the performance bottlenecks such as slow routines or lack of memory and make sure to fix these bottlenecks.

Hence, the above ways constitute perfectly to improve page speed for more traffic & conversions.

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