Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Rule In 2019

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Rule In 2019

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories that you tell” – Seth Godin

Beginning on that note, we have clearly witnessed a catastrophic change in the technological scenario over the past few years.

From normal mobile phones getting converted into smartphones, our entire digital landscape has changed dynamically from time to time, paving way for some interesting and game changing ideologies.

Also, the marketing trends have undergone a vast makeover with every passing year, starting with traditional forms, moving over onto the more advanced digital platforms.

India has clearly seen a tremendous growth in its digital marketing activities with many Digital Marketing companies and agencies cropping up everywhere including Delhi, its capital.

And this year, just having a strong following on the various social media platforms is not going to be enough.

The prelude to your marketing plan needs to be even more customer-centric offering them extreme personalized attention.

So, if you do not want to be a laggard in this game and are willing to be on the cusp of the latest marketing trends, then set yourself apart from your competition with these top 5 trends in the digital marketing niche.

Get set go with a brilliant combination of advanced technologies and creativity, which is sure to drive more growth for you and your organization.

“Mediocre marketers think in terms of campaigns. Great marketers think in terms of Growth Frameworks.” – Neil Patel

Top 5 Digital Marketing trends in 2019

  1. Social Media Marketing

Although not a new trend anymore, still it has a huge impact on the way people respond to your creative info-graphics.

Social media has seen an exponential growth in its customer base over the past few years. Apart from Facebook, channels like Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, et al, have really gained enough momentum in the marketing field with many customers eyeballing the most creative content or campaign.

Following the latest “My Story” concept from Snapchat, online stories have really been the trend this year entering into the other platforms as well such as Instagram, Facebook, etc., garnering more eyes for your campaign.

“Content is fire; Social media is gasoline” – Jay Baer

  1. Artificial Intelligence

A cutting edge technology today, it is no surprise that it would grow as normal as smartphones in the years to come.

Many businesses prefer the Artificial intelligence technology to improve and fasten their performance and boost their growth.

In 2019, you will get to see more of the AI being deployed in the various marketing campaigns, content marketing and consumer support services. This will ensure your customers get the most rapid form of service, in the most convenient manner, thus making them happy and driving more business for you.

Chatbots is the new automated way to interact with your customers giving them answers to their queries in an instant manner. You will definitely get to see a lot of these cropping up almost everywhere now.

  1. Voice Searches

With Siri, Google, Alexa already being in vogue, you can expect a whole new gamut of voice search technologies preferred by people in place of actually typing the content.

According to a research, around 50% of the searches are expected to be based on Voice searches by the end of 2020. And with such stats at hand, 2019, is surely to cause uproar in the digital marketing domain with the increasing preference of voice searches.

  1. Personalization

 Recent times have seen a large growth of personalized content advertising to a target group of audience.

Also the easy access and availability of browsing history, purchase history data, personal preferences, etc. all over the Internet has led to businesses utilizing this trend in their favor to provide their customers a more personalized experience by showing them ads, sending them emails, etc. which are relevant to their tastes.

For example, check out your Amazon prime account, and you would be shown relevant content to your previous watch or shopping history to give you a better user experience.

  1. Video marketing

If you remember our good old television days, there used to be television advertising for specific brands. And now with the proliferation of the digitalization, we have a similar trend following these days on the Internet, especially with YouTube ads, Facebook Video ads, Instagram Ads, etc.

Is has been no secret that people find watching a shorter video more convenient than reading an entire online article. They are indeed more entertaining as well.

As per estimation reports, around 80% of the blogs and articles are getting converted into engaging videos to help customers in the most convenient ways.

All you need to ensure is a good high quality video and audio to go along with it.

Since times immemorial, videos are considered as the easiest way to connect to your audience.

And connecting with your audience in the right way is the current trend for 2019.

Thus as seen above, 2019 is sure to witness higher business growth with increased brand promotions, higher conversion of leads, increased brand awareness – all by incorporating the latest digital marketing trends.

There are many Digital marketing companies in Delhi, which would help you stay ahead of your competition, to provide your business the much-needed boost in this sector in the most professional and updated way.


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